Steffen Weikert studied physics at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen with a focus on solid-state physics and material physics. During the work on his master thesis, he was involved in the publication of scientific Articles in the journals „Applied Physics Letters“ and „Nano Letters“ regarding the topic of graphene doping by low-energy ion irradiation. In 2016, he received his Master’s degree with honors.
After finishing his studies, Mr. Weikert gained practical experience in the automotive industry, particularly in the field of electric mobility and hybrid drive at the firm P3 Systems GmbH. Here, Mr. Weikert worked mainly as software tester accompanying the development. He also worked as advisor for maintaining series vehicles and as test driver on behalf of Daimler AG.
In June 2019, Mr. Weikert started his legal and practical training for becoming a patent attorney with WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF. His main area of engagement is in the fields of physics, automotive engineering, medical engineering and mechanical engineering.
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