Oliver Schornack
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
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Oliver Schornack studied structural and civil engineering at the Technical University Munich and graduated in 2000. His studies focussed on solid constructions, hydraulic engineering and the implementation and analysis of geophysical measurements for subsurface water resources. During his studies he worked at an architectural and engineering firm in the USA. After finishing his diploma he was responsible for the development and employment of construction related software at a leading mid-sized engineering firm in Munich.
Mr. Schornack began in the field of Intellectual Property Rights in 2004 at a renowned IP law firm in Munich and was admitted as a European Patent Attorney in 2009. In the same year he commenced his apprenticeship as German Patent attorney at another well-known IP law firm in Munich. In 2012 he was admitted to the Bar of German Patent Attorneys and joined WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF.
He is involved in drafting and prosecuting IP applications and defending and enforcing national and international patents primarily in the field of data communication, information technology and mobile communication systems, as well as structural engineering and mechanics.
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