Rainer Röthinger
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
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Rainer Röthinger studied physics at the University of Ulm and at the Technical University of Munich. Prior to his studies he was working for a period of two years in the field of wireless communications systems. During and following his studies Rainer Röthinger was employed at the semiconductor research department of Daimler-Benz AG, engaged in the areas of semiconductor process technology, high-frequency electronics and opto-electronics. He also developed measurement and analysis software.
Rainer Röthinger is active in the field of Intellectual Property since 1995. In 1999, he was admitted as a German Patent Attorney. In the same year he qualified as a European Patent Attorney. Rainer Röthinger spent several months working for a US law firm where he gained valuable experience in patent prosecution before the USPTO and in US claim drafting practice.
He currently focuses on patent and utility model law, including drafting and prosecuting applications mainly in the fields of communications systems and software-related inventions, in the medical field and in the area of automotive engineering. In addition, he is frequently involved in infringement, opposition and revocation cases. Rainer Röthinger is advising his clients also in patent licensing matters and is active in the prosecution of German, international and European Community design rights.
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