Sebastian Schlosser joined the German Armed Forces in 2006 and studied electrical engineering and information technology at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, focusing on control engineering and optical communications technology, in particular optical amplifiers and fiber lasers.
In 2013, Sebastian Schlosser completed his studies with a master's thesis in information technology on the topic "Realization of an actively stabilized mode-locked fiber laser". After completing his studies, Sebastian Schlosser qualified as an electronic warfare officer.
Sebastian Schlosser was subsequently from 2014 to 2016 assigned as a technical analyst for communications intelligence (COMINT) and was responsible for the analysis, processing and evaluation of highly and extremely sensitive data. From 2016 to 2021, Sebastian Schlosser was entrusted with the technical-scientific management of a subject area on the topic of multi/hyperspectral systems and night vision devices. Here he worked out experimental and laboratory setups and developed evaluation and analysis software to facilitate and assist in the assessment of multi- and hyperspectral data sets. Within the topics of the subject area, Sebastian Schlosser consulted and cooperated with various national services, advised up to ministerial level and participated in national and international expert conferences.
Sebastian Schlosser did his doctorate as an external PhD student at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum on the topic of phase-based surface characterization and the technical exploitation of diffraction effects in radar imaging.
Sebastian Schlosser joined WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF in August 2021 as part of his training as a patent attorney. His practice focuses in particular on general electrical engineering, information and communication technology, optical broadband communication, remote sensing systems and radar signal processing.
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