Christiane Walther-Braun
Dipl.-Techn. Math. (Univ.)
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
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Christiane Walther-Braun studied Applied Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich from 2002 to 2007. Her studies centred on the fields of applied geometry and medical technology. During her studies she worked at a laboratory for the testing of medical implants and, in the context of her thesis, participated in the development of CAD/ CAM systems for model building, mould construction and tool-making in the automotive and aerospace industries.
Mrs. Walther-Braun launched her training as a patent attorney at WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF in 2007. Her activities focus on patent granting procedures, including the preparation of patent applications in the fields of mechanical engineering, mechanics and medical technology. In 2010 Mrs. Walther-Braun was admitted as German Patent Attorney and in 2011 as European Patent Attorney.
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