Yu-Kuan Tu
M. SC.
Taiwanese Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
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Yu-Kuan Tu studied Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan and completed his master’s thesis in thin-film deposition and application of high-entropy alloys in 2010. He further gained industrial experiences in the R&D departments of solar materials and electronic materials manufacturers.
In 2014, he commenced his legal training in a renowned law firm in Taipei and gained experiences in the prosecution and litigation of Taiwan invention and design patents. His practice focused on the fields of mechanical engineering and semiconductor technology. After qualifying as a Taiwan patent attorney in 2016, he deepened his knowledge in Intellectual Property law during the Master’s Program of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Centre, where he examined the interface between eligibility and inventiveness for computer-implemented inventions.
In 2018, Mr. Tu joined WUESTHOFF & WUESTHOFF. His current focus is patent prosecution in the fields of semiconductor technology, automotive technology, and mechanical engineering.
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