Dr. Jobst Wibbelmann
Dr. Dipl.-Chem.
Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
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Jobst Wibbelmann studied chemistry at the Universities of Hannover, Munich and Osnabrück. He was awarded a doctorate in chemistry in 1988. He has particular expertise in the fields of polymer and pharmaceutical chemistry. During his studies he also gained an in-depth knowledge of biochemistry. Whilst working on his doctoral thesis, he conducted chemical training courses for biologists. He was also engaged as a lecturer in chemistry at a training college for medical assistants.
After three years of legal and practical training, subsequent to passing the examination in 1991 Jobst Wibbelmann was admitted as a German Patent Attorney. In 1992 he qualified as a European Patent Attorney. His practical activities comprise all fields of industrial property protection, notably patent procurement and patent infringement suits. He has had numerous articles published in various magazines (including the European Intellectual Property Review and the Journal of the Japanese Group of AIPPI) with particular emphasis on patent procurement. He serves clients from the United States and Japan/Korea. Moreover he manages an extensive portfolio for domestic clients. Jobst Wibbelmann co-authored an Amicus Curiae brief, submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States of America in relation to the "Festo" Case.
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